Thursday, July 21, 2011

Singin', just singin' in the rain...

After yesterday, we officially understand why they call this (June - November) the rainy season. Now I could talk about the amazing and darling temple (Wat Xieng Thong) we went to...



...or I could talk about the Royal Palace and museum...

Grand entrance (this is about all you could take, they took cameras, bags, shoes, and everything away but we learned a lot about the monarchy and the way they lived in there...)

The golden temple at the palace...

...but for me, yesterday, July 20, 2011 will always be remembered as the day I got the following cribbage hand:


If you don't play cribbage, or even if you do, this is a PERFECT hand, like the kind you only dream about, the GRAND 29!!!!!!!

I didn't think I'd ever see one, let alone be dealt one, and, have it be the winning play in a game.

This happened completely organically. Ah!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. so glad we just talked! Even for just a second. I need to learn cribbage :)

  2. My turn for a gold star. My company does tours to Laos and I am learning so much from your adventures. But what is really impressive: 29!!!!!!! That is like a hole in one, a royal flush, and a big foot sighting rolled into one. Congrats!!

  3. Of course will post a comment. I saw the Grandparents and Elisabeth yesterday, Grandmama says she goes through withdrawal without a post each day. She has quite figured out how to comment. Thanks to Morgan and Luc. And yes that is a perfect hand.
