Friday, July 22, 2011

Ding DONG!

We're back in the big city! And my what Laos girls we have become. The second we got off the plane in Hanoi we were accosted by a million cab drivers (and there is an airport cab scam we read about and were determined not to fall prey to!) this is the hustlingist-bustlingest place! A few times we had the distinct impression we were going to die of moped.

View from the cab we took to dinner. Notice the pedestrians directly in front of the car. Pedestrians do NOT have the right of way... Quite frankly, we aren't sure who does...

Where we were dropped off... Notice the balloons in the background.

Somehow we found ourselves in another market (that's one in every country now...)

Well, we're off on a mini adventure and will be sans Internet for a few days. Enjoy the weekend everyone!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. HI GIRLS!!! So I've been really bad at commenting but I have been reading the blog all along and thinking about you! It looks like you are having such a fantastic time-- Im so glad you guys are getting to have such an amazing experience. I miss you both!! xoxo

