Saturday, January 7, 2012

Night of fun before the day of rest...

For our nighttime Shabbat program we had a few fun activities planned. First we had a fun secret Santa-like gift exchange where we'd each drawn another birthrighters name and bought them a little gift at the market yesterday for 15 shekels (about $3) or less. I bought a a purple kippa for our new friend Jordan who has a lot in common with Lisa as he was a theater major at Northwestern. I received a really nice leather bracelet with a hamsa charm from another girl in our group, Melissa. It was a lot of fun to see how thoughtful people could be after only knowing each other a few short days. Then we were divided into groups for some activities planned by the Israeli Soldiers we have been with. Our first challenge was to dress someone in our group in an IDF (Israeli Defense Force) uniform - and do it correctly. With all the adornments, this is no easy task.

Lisa wearing Shimrit's (a darling IDF air force soldiers) uniform.

The birthright "soldiers" and Israeli lay people.

Afterwards we had the night off and a morning to sleep in so got a chance to really know each other better in the hotel lobby. (like when I travel with my mom, it seems with Lisa I become the photographer... Looks like you'll be seeing pictures of her and comments by me. Pictured here a Mallory (the elder of the other set of sisters on the trip, from Phoenix) , Lisa, Amanda (one of the funniest people ever), and Keith (Lisa and I can't stop talking about what a darling he is). - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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