Zfat - a town of mysticism and the birthplace of Kabbalah. We visited a few temples and wandered the old streets. There was also some great shopping there...
Lisa standing at the start of the narrowest street in Israel.
Never have I ever seen any wash u merchandise anywhere but at the wash u store... Guess Zfat, Israel knows where the American Jews are...
Noah's Ark made out of candle wax! Look at how realistic it's occupants are!
Then it was time for a mud hike... up to this point each hike had just been a baby hike, so I hadn't thought to take them seriously to dress for a hike. And this one was no different, until we got to the mud. My poor shoes still have not recovered. The hike, however, was really beautiful and went along the Dan river.
Later we went to a winery to learn how kosher wine is made (except for the blessings I think it's pretty much the same as other wine...) we did get to watch a video where we were warned of what would happen in the case of premature fermentation...
Israeli wine storage room.
Vineyards pretty much look the same in the winter everywhere.
The next day we went to the Golan Heights which are about as far north as you can get in Israel and on the border of Syria and Lebanon. It was COLD and windy. Lisa was about the only one in the group who dressed appropriately. We learned a lot about how Israel claimed the territory and got a view of the border with Syria.
A little aid to get your bearings.
Lisa engaging in combat before we ran to the bunker to seek some shelter from the cold.
Our group in the trenches listening to Assaf explain how these borders came to be.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
what happens in the case of premature fermentaion?????? Love the blog! Aunt ceacy