Anticipating a line that might wrap around the building (we'd heard of such things happening on the east coast) imagine my surprise when this is what I was met with:

Yup. ONE lone super hardcore fan ready with a chair, chatting away on the phone, on the Internet. Morgan and I were shoppers two and three. Chrystal (our new shopping mentor) was really there for the bike (there were only two in the store and she was going to get it - the last designer bike target had sold she had narrowly missed out on). Just in case she was unsuccessful in her endeavor, her parents were in line up at a store in the bay area and ready to pounce as well. She instructed Morgan and I (total amateurs) and our new friends right behind us, Emily and Harry (also amateurs), that what we needed was a plan of attack.
By 7:50 the line looked like this:

Emotions were beginning to run high. A few people tried to cut the line (us hardcore folk were stunned that a person would bring such bad juju upon themselves). Morgan was a genius and insisted we go to a Target off the beaten path (I won't say which for fear that another super sale will happen and our hidden gem will be hidden no longer) and OH MY GOD was that the right choice. We wouldn't have standee a chance at say, the Hollywood location.
8am the doors opened. I made a mad dash for my designated point - SHOES. We ALL had our eyes on the flats so I had A TON to grab. Then I headed for the accessories and hair stuff, the homeware, and the clothes.
By 8:30am everything, and I mean really, ALL of it, was gone.

One of the many empty racks.
Our team had a powwow and trade off. Lasting friendships were made. And excessive shopping was had by all.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Haha...this is great! I could totally picture this whole experience. A little different than running around on the other side of the world...but definitely a blog worthy adventure=)