Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Some preparation...

So I'm actually starting to count down the days until I leave on my BIG adventure and am trying to get all my ducks in a row. For example - if this post is successful it will be the first one on my new iPad! I want to get it right in case the application I downloaded doesn't work well...

It's interesting - I've already learned a bit about myself in the process of planning the trip. When I first decided to leave my job and life and spend some time traveling I had this idea in my head that I would suddenly become this spontaneous person who could just not know where I would be the next day... roaming from place to place just seeing where life takes me. Of course the more research I did on each of the places I wanted to go, the more I had to plan to be sure I'd hit the sites and the more anxious I got to get everything set. Don't worry, theres still plenty of room for surprises, but do I have all my flights booked? YES! Do I have most of my hotels/hostels set? YES! And do I have travel companions for a pretty good portion and where we will meet up arranged? You know it.

For those of you who read this (all two of you I sent the link to thus far) please feel free to send me comments with suggestions for bettering my blog. This doesn't come naturally to me but I want a fun log of my trip and possibly more importantly I want to share a piece of it with everyone in my life who has been so supportive!

As I write this going forward! Here are my rules for the blog:

1) Update frequently - the goal is once per day but depending on the free wifi situations this may not end up 100% the case.

2) Stay positive - if you know me well you probably know my tendency to go toward the darker side. That is not the goal of the trip and certainly is not where I will let myself go on the blog.

3) As few typos as possible - already this seems difficult... Typing on the touch pad is not all that conducive and the apple smart spell thing... We'll see how that goes.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm already sooooo excited to hear all about your's like being there without being there haha
